Printing: Web Printing

The Web Print portal ( allows documents to be uploaded to the PrintAnywhere system from any device on or off campus. It is helpful for student printing as well as printing from devices not managed by UWRF. You can also view your personal account balance and environmental impacts on the Web Print portal.

Web Print currently supports Microsoft Office file formats (Word, PowerPoint*, and Excel), PDFs, image files, and Microsoft XPS formats. If you need to print a web page or print from another application, you can print (save to) a PDF or log into a campus-owned computer and print directly to the PrintAnywhere queues.

Important Considerations

Web Print prints one slide per page when printing PowerPoint files. To mitigate this, see our article on Web Print and PowerPoint.

The maximum file size is 50 MB. Larger files will need to be split into multiple smaller print jobs.

Non-standard fonts in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) documents are not supported by Web Print (for example, many fonts downloaded from Internet sources). They may not display correctly when printed. If your document contains special fonts, we recommend converting the document to a PDF first to preserve the fonts and layout.

Sending a Print Job to Web Print

  1. Log into the PaperCut User Portal.
  2. Select the Web Print link in the left navigation bar (highlighted in yellow below).

  1. A summary of currently pending Web Print jobs is displayed. Select the Submit a Job button.


Selecting a printer

  1. Select the printer from which you would like to print. PaperCut will automatically generate a list of printers that are available.
    • Note: The default queues (PrintAnywhere-Black&White and PrintAnywhere-Color) automatically print duplex (double-sided).  The *-single queues print documents single-sided.

Choosing print options

  1. Next, select print options. You may have different options based on the printer you selected. If you have access to more than one account, you choose the desired account to charge the print job to.

Uploading the document

  1. Select Upload from computer and browse to the desired document. Please note the allowed file types. Optionally, files may also be dragged and dropped into the browser window to upload.
    • Note: By default, PowerPoint files will print one slide per page. See our Knowledge Base article for instructions on how to format a PowerPoint document for Web Print.

Following job progress

  1. Select Upload & Complete. The job submits to the print server and process automatically. The job status can be checked on the Web Print portal at any time. Select Jobs Pending Release in the left menu to see a listing of your pending print jobs. Note: It is not recommended to release print jobs from this page (The [print] link under "Action"); use your ID at one of the Konica Minolta MFDs to release your print job.

Jobs are held for 72 hours. If the job is not printed within 72 hours, it is automatically deleted from the system.

The job can be released at any Konica Minolta device on campus. See our Print Release article for more information. See our MFD locations article for printer locations.

Note: Web Print may be unavailable from 4-6am on weekends for regular system maintenence.

Print Article

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How to copy using Konica Minolta Multifunction Devices (MFDs).
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Many links to information about campus printing, MFDs, and PaperCut.
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How much does it cost to print/copy?
How to release print jobs on Konica Minolta Multifunction Devices (MFDs).
How to request a refund.
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