Your University ID card is your official UW-River Falls identification card. It gives you access to campus resources such as the campus library, door access, fitness center, and meal plans.
Students: Your card is valid as long as you are a student. There is no need for a new card unless you lose your current one or it no longer works properly. Students do NOT automatically receive a new card every academic year.
- Access to campus resources
- Proof of identity on campus
- Door access
- Meal plan usage at food venues on campus
- Campus/Athletic events
- Printing on campus
- Check cashing at the University Center Information Desk
- Fitness Center access at Falcon Center (there may be additional requirements).
To be eligible for a University ID, you need to be affiliated with the university in some way such as:
- Full or part time student currently enrolled in classes, taking .5 or more credits in any given semester
- Full or part time faculty/staff member with an active appointment for a department on campus
- Affiliated with a sponsorship program approved by both the Carding Office and at least one other department on campus
- To verify if a sponsorship program is an approved affiliation with campus, send an email to DoTS with the name of the program. A member of the Carding Office will respond promptly!
No. If you were not a registered student for at least 1 Spring or Fall semester, you do not need to pay for a replacement ID when you return. We can print a new ID for you at no cost. If you happen to have your original student ID, you are welcome to keep using that one as it should remain functional with any applicable systems (fitness center, door access, meal plans, etc.).
The Carding Office. No appointment is necessary for obtaining an ID card, so stop in and we will get a ID card made for you today!
Note: In the event an appointment is necessary for the Carding Office to be open outside of normal business hours, advance notice submitted to DoTS two weeks prior to the anticipated appointment date is required. If this is not done, the Carding Office cannot guarantee staffing will be available for the requested appointment.
The following guidelines must be met in order for a photo to be taken or to be approved for submission:
- No hats or head garb, unless for religious purposes.
- We must be able to see your eyes; if glasses are worn, try to avoid glare.
- Have a solid, single colored background; blue is recommended.
- The tops of the shoulders and an area above your head must be visible.
- The person submitting the photo should be the only one visible in the photo; i.e., group photos are not accepted.
- There should be no visible and distinguishable artwork or text on your clothing within the photo; unless for religious purposes.
- No artistic filters, masks, or twinkly things added to the photo.
No, only the person the UWRF ID card belongs to can pick it up. We can mail the ID card if you cannot pick it up during Carding Office business hours.
A valid form of government issued ID is required to validate your identity. Acceptable forms of supporting documentation include:
- Driver License (or State-issued ID)
- Military ID
- Passport/Visa
- High School ID
If you are unable to provide any of the above, please contact us directly.
We accept photo submissions virtually using the MyTech portal. Following the submission, the university coordinates with you regarding the delivery or pickup of your ID card.
The first ID card is provided at no cost. A replacement is available at no cost if you have a change in name or status (such as going from a student to a staff member). A replacement fee of $15 is assessed to replace any lost or stolen cards. The replacement fee is required for any student, staff, or faculty who lose their ID card; no one is exempt from this fee. The Carding Office accepts cash, credit, and NFC-style payments. We can also directly bill your student eSIS account in the event other tenders are inaccessible.
Immediately go to the GET Funds website and use the "I Lost My Card" feature to report your card as lost. This disables your ID card so it can't be misused. You can also contact the Carding Office. A new ID can be obtained at the Carding Office. There is a $15 fee to replace a lost/stolen card for any students, staff, or faculty member. If you happen to lose your ID card on the weekend and you are residing on campus, there are options available for accessing your residence hall and eating in the University Center while the Carding Office is closed. See this article for that additional information.
If you found your lost card and would like to reactivate it and have not already purchased a new one, you can do so in two ways:
- Go to the GET Funds website and use the "I Found My Card" button. (This button only becomes available if you reported your card lost online.)
- Stop by the Carding Office.
Note: If you find a previously lost ID after getting a new one printed, the old one will no longer function. Once a new ID card has been printed, the old ID card is forever obsolete.
No. The proximity chip in your card has a copper wire that transmits a signal and punching your card in the wrong spot will ruin your card. Any University ID card that has been hole punched and malfunctions as a result of the hole punch may be assessed a $15 replacement fee at the discretion of Carding Office staff.
Unfortunately our options are limited if you don’t physically have your UWRF ID. Since you can only have one active card and when you obtain a replacement ID card, your old card is deactivated and you can never go back to an old card. Your options are to purchase a new ID card or return home and retrieve your UWRF ID card.
University ID cardholders receive discounts for attending certain campus events including athletic games and concerts. Some local River Falls businesses provide discounts on purchases of food, groceries, or other goods and services.
Each time a purchase is made, the cashier's display will show the remaining account balance, so ask your cashier how much you have left. You can also review your balance online at the GET Funds website.
Contact DoTS with all necessary information - date of transaction(s), location of transaction, etc.
No. Individuals auditing courses do not pay the Carding Office segregated fee which is necessary in order to obtain an ID card.