Email List: Viewing Subscribers


Two ways to view LISTSERV list membership.


Method 1

After logging into LISTSERV, under the List Management menu, select Subscriber Reports under List Reports. Once on the Subscriber Reports page, select the list you wish to report on. The list of subscribers will appear.

Method 2

On the LISTSERV list management dashboard, click the number (circled in blue) in the Subscriber column corresponding to the list membership you want to see.

LISTSERV View Subscribers

Method 3

To receive an email with a list of subscribers, send an email to with the following in the message body:

GET listname (NOLOCK)

- listname is the name of the email list, not the address (e.g. MYLIST, not



Article ID: 1396
Wed 4/30/14 3:27 PM
Mon 5/13/24 2:06 PM

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