Falcon Account: How to Activate


Detailed instructions on activating a UWRF Falcon Account using Password Self-Service.


What is a Falcon Account? All employees and students are provided a Falcon Account username and password which allows access to UWRF resources. Along with access to resources, the Falcon Account allows access to password and security management.
All UWRF students, faculty and staff have a Falcon Account which gives access to essential university resources. Students, you use this account to digitally sign a housing contract and select a meal plan. Your account number and password are also required to check university email, login to computers in computer labs, and login to eSIS which is used for registering for classes, tracking and monitoring your grades, and viewing financial information. It also provides access to Canvas (UW System's online courseware) and the payroll system.
To activate your Falcon Account, go to Password Self-Service at https://password.uwrf.edu/
When activating your account, please do not use a mobile device. The webpage might freeze and the process might be interrupted resulting in an error.
Step 1: Start
  • Select Activate/Register to activate your account
  • Enter your campus username. This is a 'W' (or 'S' for student employee accounts) followed 7 digit number that was provided in your Admissions letter (for students) or from Human Resources (for employees).
  • Enter the last four digits of your Social Security number. If you do not have a Social Security number, you can contact Admissions (if you're a student) or the DoTS Service Center for additional guidance.
  • Enter your date of birth.
  • Select Activate
Step 2: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) 

In order to use UWRF network resources, you need to acknowledge the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). There is a link provided to view the University of Wisconsin System AUP and there is a box that allows you to choose I Acknowledge. If you choose I Acknowledge, you are acknowledging you will abide by the Acceptable Use Policy and can move on to finish the activation of your Falcon Account. If you do not check this box, or you select Cancel, you will not be able to continue your account activation. Select Continue to proceed with activation.

Step 3: Password 

You are prompted to enter a Falcon Account password. You can enter a password of your choice that meets the guidelines listed on the page. A password strength indicator appears to the right as you are typing to give you an idea of how strong your password is. You can select the eye icon next to the box(es) to reveal or hide your password.

If you wish, you can have Password Self-Service suggest some passwords by selecting the Auto-generate a new password link. After selecting one, type it in the second box to confirm it. You can also alter the suggested password to be more to your liking as well so long as it continues to meet the guidelines.

Once you've entered the password twice and committed the password to memory, select Change Password. Please ensure you complete remaining steps to avoid future problems with accessing your account.

Step 4: Security Questions
The security questions give you additional protection against identity theft. If you've forgotten your password and don't set up other options (in step 5), you will need to answer 2 of your selected security questions correctly in order to set a new one. Important: If you leave this page or close the browser window without saving responses, you will not be able to reset a forgotten password without contacting DoTS.

For each entry, select a question from the list and enter the appropriate answer. As with the password entry, you can use the eye icon to reveal each response to ensure you typed them correctly or select it again to hide it from people nearby who may be able to see your screen. Once you've completed the questions, select Save Responses to continue.

You are also prompted for an additional question which may be used by DoTS staff to verify your identity in the event you call us for password reset assistance. Select a question, enter the appropriate answer, and select Save Responses again.

Step 5: Account Profile

Your account profile includes information associated with your account that can help you manage your account or allow you to receive emergency notifications:

  • Emergency Phone: Enter an emergency phone number (10-digit) for receiving campus emergency notifications. This can affect your personal safety so it is highly recommended. More information on how this information is used is available on the campus Emergency Management website.
  • Password Reset via Text Message Number: If desired, provide a mobile phone number (may be same as above) so that Password Self-Service will be able to send you a text message with a validation code for resetting your password if you forget it.
  • Password Reset via Alternate E-mail Address: If desired, provide an alternate e-mail address (should not be a UWRF address) so that Password Self-Service will be able send an e-mail to that address with a validation code for resetting your password if you forget it. By default, this is set to the e-mail address provided when you applied to UWRF.
  • Password Expiration Reminder Phone: If desired, provide a mobile phone number (may be same as the above options) and Password Self-Service will send you reminders when your password is about to expire.

After filling out the desired options, select Continue, confirm the values are correct, then select Confirm to save them.

Step 6: Finish

You are taken to a web page confirming that your password has been changed.



Article ID: 2001
Thu 7/24/14 5:27 PM
Mon 5/13/24 12:48 PM

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