Computer/Tablet: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Frequently asked questions about university computers.


What are the standard computer specifications?

The standard computers are Dell and Apple.

Why don't you support other brands / models?
UW-System has contracts we must follow for computer purchases. The Division of Technology Services sets standards on models as per Administrative Policy AP-05-103. The models approved by DoTS have been tested to work in our environment. We update the configurations regularly to stay current and to stay within the state contract offerings. DoTS reviews and have tested models that are listed on this page.

Is my computer on rotation?
Yes. All university-owned computers are on the computer rotation plan.

  • Faculty and staff computers on the GPR-funded rotation plan who select a standard computer are funded by the "computer rotation fund."
  • All other computers are funded by the department. This includes secondary computers, grant computers, research computers, special-use computers, employees paid via program revenue.

Am I eligible for a new computer?
All GPR full-time faculty and staff are eligible for new standard computer paid for out of the computer rotation account. Positions that are PR (Program Revenue) are still on rotation but the funding must come from the department or college. Some employees have split funding. If you don't know, ask your budget authority person in your department.

If I get a new GPR-funded computer can I keep my old one?
No. The purpose of purchasing a new computer is to eliminate the need to support old, outdated hardware.

I am getting a new computer can I give my old one to someone else in my department?
No. Before DoTS re-assigns a computer it is first stored for 2 weeks untouched in case the customer misses backing up some files. After 2 weeks the computer's hard drive is erased and fresh copy of the operating system and software is installed. This ensures that the new user does not inherit flaky software, malware, or unnecessary software. Software is installed based on the need of the user. PR-funded computers can be re-allocated to someone in the same department. However, DoTS needs to know about it for inventory tracking purposes. DoTS also recommends that the computer be re-imaged.

I received a grant or I need a computer for a special function. Can I just purchase whatever computer I want?
No. All computer purchases must go through DoTS. Please contact DoTS before writing a grant that includes a computer. We can usually find a computer that meets the hardware requirements of the hardware or software you are purchasing through the grant.

Grant-funded computers are the property of UW-River Falls and follow the polices and standards established by DoTS. The department is financially responsible for replacing or updating this computer to keep the computer at the standards supported by DoTS. Once the computer is 5-years old, the computer is no longer supported by DoTS. Computers older than 6 years old often cannot be updated, patched, and maintained. These computers will need to be removed from service.

For more detailed information on the Computer Replacement policy see AP-05-103.



Article ID: 1897
Fri 7/18/14 2:32 PM
Mon 5/13/24 1:39 PM

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