Poynt Terminal: Cash Drawer Won't Open

Tags Incident

Issue: Poynt cash drawer will not open when prompted or when a cash sale is completed.

Environment: Poynt credit card terminal


  1. On the main home screen, be sure that a user is logged into the Poynt Terminal (i.e. Logout user does not have permissions to do this).
  2. Also be sure that the terminal is properly connected to the dock. (NOTE: If the Poynt is not properly seated on the dock, the cash drawer is not connected.)
  3. Scroll down from the top twice and click the Settings gear.
  4. Select Accessory
  5. If there is more than one cash drawer listed, the terminal is likely referencing the wrong one (a phantom drawer).
    1. Select Test Cash Drawer to test each cash drawer to determine which one is correct
    2. Once the correct drawer is found, select Remove next to the other ones listed.
    3. The terminal should now be referencing the appropriate cash drawer moving forward.

If there is still an issue after performing these steps, see the alternate resolution...

Alternate Resolution:

  1. On the main home screen, be sure that a user is logged into the Poynt Terminal (i.e. Logout User does not have permissions to do this).
  2. Un-dock the Terminal.
  3. Scroll down from the top twice and click the Settings gear.
  4. Select Accessory
  5. In the section for Cash Drawers, remove all of them.
  6. Re-dock the Poynt terminal
  7. You should now see a new cash drawer appear in the list. Test the drawer on this screen to verify functionality.
  8. The terminal should now be referencing the appropriate cash drawer moving forward.

If these resolutions still do not provide a favorable outcome, contact DoTS and a representative from the Carding Office will be in touch for further troubleshooting.

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Article ID: 147360
Mon 10/24/22 8:31 AM
Mon 5/13/24 12:34 PM

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