Adobe Creative Cloud: Installation and Signing In (macOS)

This article pertains to faculty and staff on university-owned computers. Student employees, contact DoTS before proceeding.


  1. Open the Self Service app.
  2. Select Adobe Creative Cloud. It is under the Applications category.

  1. Select install and wait for the installation to complete. It may take several minutes.
  2. Adobe Creative Cloud should open. Otherwise you can find it in /Applications/Adobe Creative Cloud/. Enter your UWRF email address when prompted to.
  3. Upon launching and logging in for the first time, Adobe CC will likely perform updates that can take up to 20 minutes. After the updates have completed, re-launch Adobe CC.

  1. If you are asked to choose an account type, select Company or School Account.

  1. When you are redirected to the Falcon Account login page, enter your Falcon Account username and password.

  1. Once you are signed in, you will be offered a list of Adobe apps to install. 
    Adobe Creative Cloud homepage
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Reinstall through Creative Cloud, not Self Service.