These instructions work great for instructors since you can search using instructor name. Students can either do multiple searches or enter their schedule onto their calendar by hand. Sorry students. :(
Make it easier to schedule your life by having your class schedule on the calendar you use. Here are the steps.
Download Your Schedule
The class schedule calendar search is used to create a file that may be imported into calendar applications such as Microsoft Outlook. Note: The OWA web tool does not import calendars.
From, select Class Schedule Calendar from the menu.
Enter criteria that best describe the classes for which you are searching such as the term and your name in the Instructor field.
Hint: Select your subject and use first name and last name if multiple instructors share the last name. Be sure to the use the same first name or first initial as is listed in the schedule.
Once the results are displayed and verified, select the Download CourseCalendar.ics link which is found just above the results.
Select Save File to download the file. Make note of the location to which it was saved. (Recommendation: Save it to your desktop for ease of importing.)
PC Users: Import Your Schedule
Open Microsoft Outlook Calendar and select the File tab. Select Open & Export from the menu, then select Import/Export.
This opens a browse window. Locate and select the file you just downloaded. Select OK. The next window asks how to open this. Select Import. Your entire class schedule is automatically uploaded into your Outlook calendar. Each class "meeting" is fully editable by you!
Mac Users: Import Your Schedule
Open Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Use Finder to locate the .ics file you just downloaded. Drag the .ics file to your Uwrf calendar folder. Your entire class schedule is automatically uploaded into your Outlook calendar. Each class "meeting" is fully editable by you!