Electronic Door Access: How do I get card access to a building?


Start with Facilities Management.


UWRF controls access to many campus buildings via RFID card scanners. Campus provides access, on an as-needed basis, to those with approval for specific locations for specific times.

In emergency situations, please contact University Police for assistance.

Can I request building access?

Any employee may submit a request for access from Facilities Management. Employees may also submit access requests for students, campus guests, or contractors.

How do I request building access?

Submit a Building Access Request form to Facilities Management. Access requests require authorization from a Dean, Department Chair, Director, or Supervisor. Once campus has evaluated the request, you get follow-up information via email.

When should I submit a building access request?

Building access requests are processed during standard university business hours so requests must be made in time for that process to complete - at least one full business day in advance is preferred. Campus is unable to accommodate requests made at the last minute outside of those hours.

When does my access expire and how do I know to renew?

You will receive a notification within a 45-day period letting the original requester know that access is going to expire. You will be prompted to resubmit the form to retain access.

Where can I find additional information related to building access?

See the UWRF Building Access Administrative Policy.



Article ID: 130405
Tue 3/16/21 4:25 PM
Mon 5/13/24 2:42 PM

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