Microsoft Office 365: Blocked Attachments

Technology Services restricts the delivery of certain executable and archival file types (the most common being .zip) through e-mail to help prevent malicious cyber-attacks.

We recommend files be delivered via FalconShare.  If you are expecting attached files from a reliable source, we suggest you create a public link using FalconShare at This will allow you to create an link to a folder in your home (S:) drive:

  • From the main window: File (button) > Share > Create public link (or right click on the file or folder > Share > Create public link)

Examples of Blocked File Types

  • Executables
    • exe
    • java
    • msi
    • pif
  • Compressed/Archival
    • ace
    • arc
    • arj
    • binhex
    • bz
    • bad
    • gzip
    • lha
    • rar
    • sit
    • tar
    • unix
    • x-window-packager
    • zip
    • zoo
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Article ID: 2055
Fri 7/25/14 4:15 PM
Tue 5/14/24 10:00 AM