eduroam: I cannot get onto a wireless network. It is Connecting, Saved, then Disabled.

Tags Incident

Issue: When trying to connect to eduroam, the connection goes through the following states: Connecting..., Saved, and Disabled - and I cannot get onto the wireless network

Environment: some Android clients, Samsung S5 and S6

Resolution: There might be a space at the end of the email address used in the configuration process. Edit the username to remove the white space and attempt to connect again after it is removed

1) Go to your listing of wireless networks.

2) Tap and Hold the eduroam network and then select Modify Network.

3) Check to see if the username has a space at the end of it (and delete it). Then select Save.

If the username and password are correct, you should see the status move to Connected.

If you still cannot connect, try to remove the eduroam network. Tap and hold eduroam and then select Forget network.

Try connecting to eduroam again and ensure that there is not a space at the end of the username. After entering your password, go back and check that it did not insert a space after your username again, and then select Save.

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Article ID: 14138
Mon 6/27/16 4:26 PM
Mon 5/13/24 1:45 PM