Canvas (Students): VoiceThread Lectures

Accessing Your VoiceThread Account

  1. Open your Canvas course that is using VoiceThread
  2. If your professor has it embedded in a Canvas page, open it in a new tab and you should be automatically logged in
  3. If it is not embedded into the page,
    1. Go to
    2. Select Log in, then Log in through Institution
    3. Search for University of Wisconsin-River Falls
    4. Authenticate by logging into Canvas
    5. Open a new tab and go to You should now be logged in

If you are still not logged in, it is possible that your student profile is not created with VoiceThread. First, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Log out of Canvas
  2. Clear your browser cache
  3. Restart your device
  4. Try a different browser
  5. Try a different device
  6. Be sure that you are selecting the correct link

If unsuccessful, reach out to the professor and Division of Technology Services to verify that student profiles have been created to allow students to comment on VoiceThread.

Changing Display Name in VoiceThread

If your preferred name is not the name displayed on VoiceThread, you have the ability to change it by performing the following steps:

  1. Open a VoiceThread lecture and be sure you are logged into your account
  2. Select your current display name at the top of the screen.
  3. Under identities, select the pencil icon (edit)
  4. Enter your preferred name
  5. Select Save

How to Listen to the Audio

Your professor may include audio on the slides in VoiceThread. Here is how to listen to the audio...

  1. Open the VoiceThread lecture
  2. On the left side of the screen, select the image of your professor (or their initials) to start the audio
  3. To pause the audio, select the = button on the left side of the lower bar. Select the play button to resume.
  4. There may be audio comments made on the slide. To play those comments select the other images on the left side of the screen.

Resources for Students

VoiceThread Support

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Article ID: 112758
Tue 7/28/20 2:03 PM
Tue 5/14/24 9:05 AM

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