Classroom Technology: Consultation

After pressing the "Request Service" button, enter these (Action > Category > Subcategory):
Request a consultation > Instructional Space > (and choose the subcategory you'd like)


Want to have a space with audio/video/computer/projector/etc.? Request this service to consult with DoTS to talk over wants, needs, options, pros/cons, etc. If you'd like, we can proceed with the install from there. Below is some information on our standardized builds which can be used as a starting point for discussions. (You don't need to know the specifics before we meet - we'll introduce them and discuss.)

Tiered Room Specifications and Associated Costs

The following table compares options for standardized builds. These are examples; typically each room build or upgrade is unique. These represent new builds; existing equipment in the space may reduce the costs.

  Tier 1 - Simple Build / Conference Room Tier 2 - Technology Enhanced Classroom Tier 3 - Active Learning Classroom Tier 4 - Distance Education
Computer n/a Instructor Computer Instructor Computer Instructor Computer
Connection HDMI cable for connection to laptop Wireless Wireless Wireless
Audio Front Speakers Front/Rear Speakers Multiple Speakers/Varying Placement Multiple Speakers/Varying Placement
Microphone n/a n/a Optional Optional
A/V Controller n/a Input Controller (switches between laptop/computer) Advanced Controller Options (switching) Advanced Controller Options (switching)
Projection Projector with screen/display Projector/Display (multiple displays optional) Multiple Projectors (2+) Wireless Projection Multiple Projectors/Displays
Video Codec* n/a n/a n/a Video Codec* equipment
Document Camera Optional Optional Optional Optional
Webcam Optional Optional Optional Optional
Furniture Optional Instructor Station Instructor Station Instructor Station
Cost Estimate $5,000 - $11,000 (equipment and labor) $12,000 - $16,000 (equipment and labor) $17,000 - $33,000 (equipment and labor) $10,000 - $75,000 (equipment and labor)

*A codec is a device or computer program for encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal. A codec encodes a data stream or a signal for transmission and storage, possibly in encrypted form, and the decoder function reverses the encoding for playback or editing. Typically used when the highest quality video is needed.


  • Enhances group settings such as classes, meetings or conferences. Allows people not in the room to participate from elsewhere.

Available to

  • Colleges, Departments

Service Level Agreement

  • Upon receipt of the completed request you are contacted within 3 business days.
Request Service


Service ID: 29877
Tue 8/14/18 8:10 PM
Fri 8/26/22 3:44 PM