Cisco IP Phone: Correct Your 911 Information

After pressing the "Request Service" button, enter these (Action > Category > Subcategory > Service):
Request Something DoTS offers > Devices > Cisco IP Phone > Cisco IP Phone 911 Location


When calling 911 from your Cisco IP Phone, your phone's location information is sent to dispatch and to university police officers. We want that information to be accurate and easy to read.

Go-Link to this page:


On Cisco IP phones with displays, you can view the current 911 location by:

  1. Pressing the GEAR button located to the left of the number pad. (On Wi-Fi phones, select the earth/globe icon.)
  2. Choosing the 911 Location option by pressing the associated number or using the teal ring and silver selector located above the number pad.
  3. The 911 system is queried live and the display shows your phone's current location. (Wi-Fi phones update every five minutes and hardware desk phones every hour.)
  4. Note the device information for your request. This string of characters that begins with SEP is needed to most accurately update your location information.

For non-display phones, contact DoTS for assistance.

If the information that you see is not correct, click [Request Service] to submit an update to DoTS.


When you place a call to 911 from a university Cisco IP phone, the detailed information is conveyed directly to our university police officers. This is in addition to what the 911 dispatch center at Pierce County receives through AT&T systems. Our police officers can utilize this precise information in connecting with you quickly when seconds count.

Available to

People with Cisco IP display phones (including Wi-Fi phones), including

  • Student Employees
  • Faculty
  • Staff

People responsible for area phones such as those found

  • in classrooms
  • in conference rooms
  • at front desks
  • in your general area spaces

Service Level Agreement

DoTS updates your 911 location information within three business days or best effort. There are some rare instances where visits to the phones are needed or, even rarer, new buildings are constructed where the update process takes a little longer.


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Service ID: 22778
Thu 9/14/17 8:44 AM
Sun 3/3/24 2:11 PM