Enterprise Software Access

After pressing the "Request Service" button, enter these (Action > Category > Subcategory > Service):
Request something DoTS offers > Software > Other > Enterprise Software Access


Request access to enterprise software used at UWRF except eSIS and UWBI (University of Wisconsin Business Intelligence). You can think of enterprise software as applications used campus wide designed to allow multiple people access to campus data at the same time.


  • Ensure that you or the people you manage have the access needed to complete job duties
  • Allows for ongoing assessment of access to ensure that data security is upheld

Available to

  • Availability depends the software and the access being requested but could be for students, student employees, faculty, or staff

Service Level Agreement

  • Requests will be responded two within two business days
  • Time to complete the request depends on the software, access being asked for, acquiring needed approval, etc. 


Request Service

Related Articles (2)

It depends on your affiliation with UWRF, what type of software you are seeking, and where it will be installed.
A list of DoTS-supported software at UWRF.


Service ID: 8420
Tue 5/5/15 11:35 AM
Fri 3/1/24 2:10 PM