Duo Multi-Factor Authentication: Not working (locked out) using iPhone


Set notification settings for the Duo app to "on".


Issue: I am not able to log in using my Falcon Account username and password. When it comes time to authenticate with Duo, nothing is happening - nothing is showing up on my iPhone. If I try logging in enough times, I get a message that says, "Your account has been locked out due to excessive authentication failures. Please contact your administrator."

Environment: Logging in with Falcon Account credentials using an iPhone* for the Duo step

Resolution: When installing the Duo application on your phone, you may have chosen to have Duo not send notifications to you. Duo can't do the job it is designed to do with notifications for the app set to "off". In order to correct this, go to your iPhone's IOS settings and set the notifications toggle to "on".

*It is possible that this same situation occurs with an Android device, but not as likely. iPhone asks if notifications should be allowed during the app installation process; Android does not. In order for this to be the correct resolution for Android users, the person turned off notifications after installing the app - something many people don't do.



Article ID: 63178
Fri 9/28/18 10:11 AM
Mon 5/13/24 12:35 PM

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