Office Move: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Questions about office moves.


Can I move my own computer?
No. Even if you are just moving across the hall or into the next cubicle, DoTS will move your computer, printer, & phone. After the move, we will verify that all connections are made and our documentation is updated. 911 information is tied to your phone, so this information needs to be verified by our staff.

Are there restrictions as to when I can move?
Yes! DoTS has blackout periods at the beginning of Fall & Spring terms to work on other start-up items. See this link for details on those dates. Don't be disappointed, plan ahead.

I am changing departments, what happens to my computer?
If you are moving from a GPR department to another GPR department we will likely move your computer to your new office. Also, if a new computer is needed to better fit your new role, a new computer will be purchased. If you are moving to PR-funded position we will work with your new department to either have them purchase your existing computer or to purchase a new one.

When I move offices will my phone move too?
Yes, your physical phone will move with you.

When I move offices will my phone number change?
No. Your phone number is yours whether you are moving within your department or changing departments your personal phone number remains the same. If you have department-specific phone numbers programmed on your phone, these will up updated to reflect any changes needed.

How long will the office move take?
The actual move of the computer and phone will take about an hour. However, DoTS requires at least 3 weeks notice to properly plan and staff for any move. If the move is more complex, e.g. moving from one department to another or moving into a different building, the lead time can be longer and the actual move may take longer depending on what is needed. Facilities Management may have different requirement and leads times compared to DoTS.

What will it cost to move my computer?
DoTS does not charge for office moves. However, Facilities Management does charge for their time to move desks, bookcases, shelves, etc. When you submit a work-order to Facilities Management to move your furniture, you must also submit an Office Move Request to DoTS

Do I update my office location for PeopleSearch?
Yes. Refer to the Update Directory Information page.

How much notice does DoTS need before I move?
DoTS needs three weeks to properly plan and move your computer, phone, etc. We have been able to move offices with a shorter notice but having all services up and running is not guaranteed. Please submit a request to us for the move at least three weeks in advance of the move date. If you know the date, even several months in advance, we would love to hear from you so we can get you into the first come first serve list of office moves.

Can I use wireless in my office?
DoTS can not guarantee reliable wireless service in your office. The wireless network was designed and built as a convenience for student access. However, if wireless coverage is good and you are ok with the reduced speeds, it is OK to use wireless in your office. However, if there are not enough jacks available in your office and you do have adequate wireless coverage your department will be responsible for covering some of the expense to increase the wireless coverage in that area.

Why are there office move blackout / restricted dates?

These restricted / blackout dates are in place around the start of fall and spring semesters. As you can imagine, DoTS is very busy this time of year. We are installing computers for new employees, checking classroom technology, and finishing up summer projects



Article ID: 1693
Fri 5/30/14 4:47 PM
Mon 5/13/24 1:28 PM

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